Med Software Implementation

Once the software is selected, implementation is key to avoid issues and to have a quality electronic medication / health record system.

laptop, black, blue

The Med Software Implementation Process (Generic)

Since all med software is different, the implementation process can vary depending on the product selected and other contributing factors.  Here are the key processes that should be typical with most software implementations.

  1. Designate administrator(s) and obtain access

  2. Setup users and determine employee roles

  3. Training on system setup

  4. Configure overall system setup

  5. Receive or input resident or client data with med orders

  6. Add additional tasks and orders

  7. Training and configure additional modules*

  8. Review the data (MAR to eMAR review)

  9. Train employees on the software with their specific job responsibilities

  10. Go live

  11. Review compliance and workflow

  12. Evaluate progress issues frequently for the first month

*Depending on the modules used this could be done at any step after system setup or after the med systems have been fully implemented.


Timeline for Implementation

The actual timeline for implementation will vary due to a couple of factors such as size of the facility and staff availability to help with implementation.  So, a 10 bed facility will be much easier to implement than a 100 bed facility.

In most cases, facilities should plan for about a month to implement the medication portion of the software and work with the software company and pharmacy to create a schedule of when the steps above will be started and completed.

The most time consuming aspects of software implementation will be the training and then the order review or order entry depending on if the orders are facility or pharmacy initiated.

For example, a basic number would be that for pharmacy initiated residents or clients, it should take approximately 20 minutes on average to review and add addtional orders to each person.  If all of the orders and the profile must be manually entered, the time per person would be closer to 30 to 40 minutes.

An example of a facility with 100 individuals would take approximately this much time to complete step 8 from above:

Pharmacy Initiated

100 x 20 = 2000 minutes or 33 hours 20 minutes

Facility Initiated

100 x 40 = 4000 minutes or 66 hours 40 minutes

Due to the time it takes to review the orders and the fact that it is ideal to approve those orders close to the time of the go live date, ample time and appropriate staffing should be allocated to complete this important aspect of the implementation.

The software company should be able to provide a sample timeline for your review and should be the one responsible for providing the training and resources to successfully implement.  Pharmacies are great at times to help out but, they are not paid by the software companies and many times do this as a value added service.

Go Live

At the go live date the software must be installed on all computers, laptops, tablets and phones.